MIT Academic Calendar
Maintained by the registrar, this contains all dates that relate to the academic calendar. You can down load and import into your personal calendar
Maintained by the registrar, this contains all dates that relate to the academic calendar. You can down load and import into your personal calendar
We recommend that you subscribe to the calendars listed below so that you are aware of activites happening at the Center.
CRE: MSRED Courses
The CRE: MSRED Courses calendar contains all MSRED-related courses for the semester.
Link to View:
Link to Subscribe:
CRE: MSRED Student Calendar
The CRE: MSRED Student calendar lists:
All CRE-Sponsored events such as job fairs, workshops, and field trips
Important dates, such as add/drop deadlines, graduation, etc...
Other important dates you should know
Link to View:
Link to Subscribe: